Los musiniños encuentran un tesoro (The Musiniños Find a Treasure)


Los musiniños encuentran un tesoro (The Musiniños Find a Treasure) is a series of 5 solo works for different instruments. All explore some aspect of Cuban music. They were originally created for children between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age, but can also be performed by more seasoned musicians. I included in the title the made up word: “musiniños,” which comes from the union of the two words “música” (music) and “niños” (children); its made up meaning is: niños que hacen música (children that make music)

These pieces were created as part of an Artist Residency supported by AECID and FONCA, and premiered in Mexico DF in December of 2009.


Ivette Herryman Rodríguez


Marco Leonardo López Hernández, piano

Luis Ernesto Mesa Costero, guitar

Canek Reyes Guerrero, prepared piano

Aida Gómez Jorge, violoncello

Luis Gómez Jorge, violin

Luis Gómez Jorge, violin; Yaquelín Jorge Navarro, violoncello, Ivette Herryman, piano

Price: $18.00