Who? Where? Eat.


Who? Where? Eat. was commissioned by The Community Composing Project for The Writing Center in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University for the CMS Singers choir, with the purpose of reflecting on hunger in the Midwest. Hunger for food and also hunger as a synonym of longings and unfulfilled desires.

The text derived from a process that began with my giving the children of the Community Music School (CMS) Singers Choir from East Lansing a few questions, taken from the “Mid West Hunger Is Anthology,” which was created specifically for this project. I then sorted through the children’s answers and arranged them so that they would become the text of the piece.

––Ivette Herryman Rodriguez


Community Music School (CMS) Singers Choir; Cwen Homa, piano, Kyle Zeuch, conductor


Herryman – Who Where Eat – Perusal Score

 Score: $2.35